Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I cannot tell you where this place is.

It's just too beautiful to let just anyone know where it is and how to get there. Nothing personal, of course. I couldn't have found it on my own. I had the aid of my friend, Josh, a couple of weekends back. Here he is with a friend.

Some places are so beautiful you want them only for yourself. Some places move you deep in your soul, like a flashback to your childhood, to a time when the world was strange and new and full of magic. This place was one of those, and like my memories of childhood, I only let special people in to share this experience, people such as my wife.

Lena was amazed that such an environment existed within spitting distance of Atlanta. A native of Venezuela, she was no stranger to the extreme terrain we had to cross in order to reach this spot. She loved every minute of it, and I was happy to show her a piece of America that wasn't sprawling suburbs and crowded, polluted roadways.

I don't mean to wax philosophic on a blog meant to exhibit mine and my wife's best work, but this I had to show. Photography has many uses, but it's primary function is to remind the viewer of a space in time, of the people and events that took place. A truly great photograph does more than that. It reminds us of how it felt to be there. That is my goal when I strap on my equipment and head out on assignment. That is my goal when I put up my lights and load my flash cards. That is my goal each time I press the shutter button.



takinchances said...

No fair! I wanna go wherever that is. :)

You and Lena look so very happy and I'm so happy for you both!

I am wondering if you did something different in the first pic with Josh and the second pic with you.

Anonymous said...

Hola Lena! por cosas del WWW llegué hasta acá y alcanzo a ver un poco a través de tu ventana. Tengo muchísimo tiempo sin hablar contigo, no sabía que te habías casado, pero me contenta mucho verte feliz y con esa sonrisota gigante, además en estos recónditos lugares naturales tan hermosos como los que abundan en nuestro país, quién diría que Atlanta también tiene los suyos y tan lindos.. Muchas felicidades para ustedes dos y que sigan descubriendo muchos lugares como este.
Un abrazo desde Venezuela.